So here's the outcome.
The sky appear to be wash out due to overexposed
Seems the composition does not bring out the main theme of the photo, failure...
A more satisfied shot =D
I had taken this shot with 3 different exposure, trying to merge into a HDR, unfortunately, not successful, so I just pick one with the best exposure
Originally there're 2 lanterns, but it also have part of a plant that distracted the theme, so I just crop the door, and the floor out
Originally the color of 2 buildings are quite a contrast, but I wanna make it looks old, so I just change to sepia and added some noise. The contrast between the air-con and bird cages is interesting to me
The building and the sky was quite dull, so I just change it to sepia, the effect is fine for me
Trying to find a spot where I can exclude the wire, unfortunately the only spot is to stand at the middle of the road, so I dun wanna risk by hitting by car
An interesting shot, the laughing buddha had immigrate to India, and now is officially an Indian.(The shopkeeper stares at me while I snapping this photo)
Same building with the previous one, different angle
I was at the opposite of the Kuan Yin Temple and saw the sunset, so I just snapped it. It would be nicer if the sunset is more vivid
Due to lighting, the Kuan Yin Temple was quite dull, so I just changed it to black and white and add vignetting effect
I wonder will this looks nicer if it's in monotone?
It's written Han Jiang Home Temple, at first, the shot got quite a few subjects in it, so I just crop it out, so the main subject is the wording
The Chinese traditional door guardians. It takes me quite some times to snap it, because of the white balance, end up I used custom white balance
The dragon, I have try to change the photo into B&W, but end up still back to the original, with colors
The tiger, this one does not looks as complicated as the dragon
The door and the window is my focus for the shot, it looks old to me =P
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