The Sun was high and it's very warm that day, I was looking forward for the teams to compete one another so I can get a few shots. Unfortunately the distance between the place I stand and the lake was too far, and the guard does not allow the audience to go closer, so I didn't manage to get very close shot. In addition, as a newbie in photography, I tried to apply the panning technique on the dragon boat teams but I only managed to captured one with the motion feel.
Well, I was kinda disappointed not just of my photos but also of the organizer, for they should setup a place where audience can get closer to the lake so that the audience can have a better view. Anyway, I hope that they will make it better next year.
Double Dragons
"Hey, stop blocking my view!"
The only photo with panning technique that's viewable
Row, Row, Row the boat, moving down the stream~
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