The bride groom and his "brothers" gang has arrived, the "sisters" are "defending" the main gate
The bride's brother went out to car's door for the groom, but was held captives by the "brothers" to threaten the "sisters". Nice try! but better luck next time.
The groom, his gang and the "hostage"
The groom is getting "ang pao" (red packet with money inside) to the "sisters" as they requested
大妗姐 in cantonese (pronounce as "Dai Kham Jeh" in cantonese), the person that will take care of the wedding ceremony
After received the Ang Pao, the "sisters" requested the "brothers" to perform some stunts, like drinking specially made drinks and playing hoola hoop at the same time
Next, the "sisters" requested the groom to help his gang to make up while blindfolded. Well, word of advice, never use cheap lipstick, it breaks easily.
The "sisters" requested the groom and his gang to post on next mission
The groom must be very touched, as this guy sacrificed himself for this "AWESOME" post
The groom and his gang are allowed to go into the house, and they have to face their next test
The "sisters" have prepared some romantic "love" declaration that requires the groom to read out for the bride
The "brothers" will help to read out as well
groom: "Wing, Wing, I Love You~"
The sweetest moment, hope that they will live happily ever after
The bride's father is putting a golden bracelet unto the bride's hand
The bride kissing her mother
The bride and groom kissing the bride's father
After the ceremony, the groom and his bride are going to the groom's house to continue the ceremony, but me and my friends didn't follow due to we're tired. So, me and my friends decided to head for lunch instead. =P
The next part (which is also the last) is the wedding dinner which I will be posting up tomorrow.
you also got nice angle :) you also got capture the great momment :)
Hope to shoot v u again..if got chance
Siu Keong: Thanks, hope that we can shoot together again someday. Maybe when you come to Penang. =D
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