We reached Little India around 8:45 AM, and then we started our tour.
This cat is the first subject I came across, lying under a car
The same cat, aware that I am shooting its photo
There are cycling event around Little India, even the police is cycling with the other cyclists
The windows of this old house attracted my attention
The windows of the olden days
A bird cage, hang outside the windows
The floor tiles are very nice, it's hard to find this type of floor tiles nowadays
Ren Ai Tang in Chinese pronunciation, it's an old Chinese medicine and herbs shop in Georgetown
The color of the door of the Indian house is very interesting
Look through the windows of the Chinese house from the previous photo
Accidentally discovered this huge grasshopper on a plant outside the Chinese house, so I just grabbed my SP90 to snap it
A pretty flower planted outside the Chinese house
As we walked past the Peranakan Mansion, I saw this ornament placed on a pillar
After 2 hours of shooting, we just went to the Sri Ananda Bahwahn restaurant nearby to have our breakfast. I ordered 2 pieces of Roti Canai, not bad.
After our breakfast, we continue to walk around.
Lastly, we came to our final destination, Guan Yin Temple. I saw two different birds are like looking at each others, so I just changed to 75-300mm tele zoom to snap this picture.
Some people feed the pigeons at the Kuan Yin Temple
I have waited quite some times for all the pigeons to fly, I even asked my friend to help me to shoo the pigeons, unfortunately, one of my friend is afraid of birds, so I just managed to capture a few pigeons flying away. Well, need to try again next time.
After that, we just left Georgetown and go for lunch.
PS: My Optical Viewfinder has been intruded by dust after this tour, so I just sent to Sony Service Center for service, no photo shooting for me for this week. =(
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